
1. That which divides or keeps apart two or more substances or prevents them from mingling. 2. In dentistry, an instrument for forcing two teeth apart, so as to gain access to adjacent proximal walls. SYN: segregator. [L. se-paro, pp. -atus, to separate, fr. se, apart, + paro, to prepare]

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sep·a·ra·tor 'sep-(ə-).rāt-ər n one that separates: as
a) a device for separating liquids of different specific gravities (as cream from milk) or liquids from solids
b) a dental appliance for separating adjoining teeth to give access to their surfaces

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sep·a·ra·tor (sepґə-ratər) 1. a device for keeping two or more things apart. 2. a device or instrument for wedging teeth apart, especially proximal teeth having a tight contact, as for the examination of proximal surfaces, finishing a restoration, or before banding in orthodontic therapy. Called also space maintainer.

Placing an elastomeric ring separator between two molars.

Medical dictionary. 2011.


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