- schizophasia
- A rarely used term for the disordered speech (word salad) of the schizophrenic individual. [schizo- + G. phasis, speech]
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schizo·pha·sia (skit″so-faґzhə) word salad; see under W.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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schizo·pha·sia (skit″so-faґzhə) word salad; see under W.Medical dictionary. 2011.
Schizophasia — SignSymptom infobox Name = Other speech disturbance ICD10 = R47.8 ICD9 = ICD9|784.5 In the mental health field, schizophasia, commonly referred to as word salad (see word salad for other meanings), is used to describe the symptom of confused, and … Wikipedia
schizophasia — schizo·pha·sia … English syllables
schizophasia — ˌskitsōˈfāzh(ē)ə sometimes i(d)zō noun ( s) Etymology: New Latin, from schiz + phasia : the disorganized speech characteristic of schizophrenia … Useful english dictionary
шизофазия — (schizophasia; шизо + греч. phasis выражение, речь) расстройство речи в виде отсутствия смысловой связи между словами и предложениями при правильности их грамматического строя … Большой медицинский словарь
Шизофази́я — (schizophasia; Шизо + греч. phasis выражение, речь) расстройство речи в виде отсутствия смысловой связи между словами и предложениями при правильности их грамматического строя … Медицинская энциклопедия
Dream speech — In 1906 the famous German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin published a monograph titled Über Sprachstörungen im Traume ( On Language Disturbances in Dreams ). In his psychiatry textbook Kraepelin used the shortcut Traumsprache to denote language… … Wikipedia
Glossary of psychiatry — In this glossary of psychiatric terms, mostly Greek, secondly French and German and some English terms, as used in psychiatric literature, were defined. We have included many other terms with the passage of time and aim to broaden this article to … Wikipedia
Word salad — is a string of words that vaguely resembles language, and may or may not be grammatically correct, but is utterly meaningless. Examples of word salad include:: Wonder, why now? Like, there s this clever girl, and this clown right. They re… … Wikipedia
Aphasia — For other uses, see Aphasia (disambiguation). Aphasia Classification and external resources ICD 10 F80.0 F80.2, R … Wikipedia
Dyslexia — This article is about developmental dyslexia. For acquired dyslexia, see Alexia (acquired dyslexia). Dyslexia Classification and external resources ICD 10 R48.0 ICD 9 … Wikipedia