Intelligence test

Intelligence test
A questionnaire or series of exercises designed to measure intelligence. It is generally understood that intelligence tests are less a measure of innate ability to learn as of what the person tested has already learned. There are many types of intelligence tests, and they may measure learning and/or ability in a wide variety of areas and skills. Scores may be presented as an IQ (intelligence quotient), a mental age, or on a scale.

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intelligence test n a test designed to determine the relative mental capacity of a person to learn compare ACHIEVEMENT TEST, APTITUDE TEST

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a standardized assessment procedure for the determination of intellectual ability. The score produced is usually expressed as an intelligence quotient. Most tests present a series of different kinds of problems to be solved. The best known are the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), and the Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale. Scores on intelligence tests are used for such purposes as the diagnosis of mental retardation and the assessment of intellectual deterioration.

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a set of problems or tasks posed to assess an individual's innate ability to judge, comprehend, and reason.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • intelligence test — n. a standardized series of problems intended to test the relative intelligence of an individual …   English World dictionary

  • intelligence test — Psychol. any of various tests, as the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale or the Stanford Binet test, designed to measure the intellectual capacity of a person. Cf. achievement test. [1910 15] * * * ▪ psychology       series of tasks designed to… …   Universalium

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  • intelligence test — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms intelligence test : singular intelligence test plural intelligence tests a test that aims to measure how good someone is at understanding problems and thinking about them in a controlled way …   English dictionary

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  • intelligence test — a standardized assessment procedure for the determination of intellectual ability. The score produced is usually expressed as an intelligence quotient. Most tests present a series of different kinds of problems to be solved. The best known are… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • intelligence test — in telligence ,test noun count a test that aims to measure how good someone is at understanding problems and thinking about them in a controlled way …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • intelligence test — noun Date: 1914 a test designed to determine the relative mental capacity of a person …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • intelligence test — psychological test designed to measure the mental ability of an individual …   English contemporary dictionary

  • intelligence test — intel′ligence test n. psl any of various tests designed to measure the relative intellectual capacity of a person • Etymology: 1910–15 …   From formal English to slang

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