- scarify
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scar·i·fy 'skar-ə-.fī, 'sker- vt, -fied; -fy·ing to make scratches or small cuts in (as the skin) <\scarify an area for vaccination>
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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Medical dictionary. 2011.
scarify — pronounced with the first syllable as in scab, is a semi technical word meaning ‘to scratch or make incisions in’, and has nothing to do with the verb scare. A verb scarify, pronounced like scare and formed on the analogy of terrify, meaning ‘to… … Modern English usage
scarify — Ⅰ. scarify [1] ► VERB (scarifies, scarified) 1) cut and remove debris from (a lawn) with a scarifier. 2) break up the surface of (soil or a road or pavement). 3) make shallow incisions in (the skin). 4) criticize severely and hurtfully … English terms dictionary
Scarify — Scar i*fy, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Scarified}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Scarifying}.] [F. scarifier, L. scarificare, scarifare, fr. Gr. ? to scratch up, fr. ? a pointed instrument.] 1. To scratch or cut the skin of; esp. (Med.), to make small incisions in,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
scarify — index lash (attack verbally) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
scarify — (v.) 1540s, cover witch scratches, from Fr. scarifier (14c.), from L.L. scarificare (see SCARIFICATION (Cf. scarification)). The sense cover with scars (1680s) is a sense shift from influence of SCAR (Cf. scar) … Etymology dictionary
scarify — [skar′ə fī΄] vt. scarified, scarifying [MFr scarifier < LL scarificare, altered < L scarifare < Gr skariphasthai, to scratch an outline, sketch < skariphos, pencil, stylus, akin to L scribere, to write: see SCRIBE] 1. to make a series … English World dictionary
scarify — I. transitive verb ( fied; fying) Etymology: Middle English scarifien, from Middle French scarefier, from Late Latin scarificare, alteration of Latin scarifare, from Greek skariphasthai to scratch an outline, sketch more at scribe Date: 14th… … New Collegiate Dictionary
scarify — scarifier, n. /skar euh fuy /, v.t., scarified, scarifying. 1. to make scratches or superficial incisions in (the skin, a wound, etc.), as in vaccination. 2. to lacerate by severe criticism. 3. to loosen (the soil) with a type of cultivator. 4.… … Universalium
scarify — verb /ˈskæˌɹɪ.faɪ/ To remove thatch (build up of organic matter on the soil) from a lawn, to de thatch … Wiktionary
scarify — Synonyms and related words: Vandyke, agonize, assail, attack, blaze, blaze a trail, blemish, blister, bloody, blotch, brand, castigate, chalk, chalk up, check, check off, chop, cicatrize, claw, convulse, crack, craze, crenellate, crenulate, crimp … Moby Thesaurus