
SYN: scalene. [L.]

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sca·le·nus skā-'lē-nəs n, pl sca·le·ni -.nī any of usu. three deeply situated muscles on each side of the neck of which each extends from the transverse processes of two or more cervical vertebrae to the first or second rib:
a) one arising from the transverse processes of the third to sixth cervical vertebrae, inserting on the scalene tubercle of the first rib, and functioning to bend the neck forward and laterally and to rotate it to the side called also anterior scalene, scalenus anterior, scalenus anticus
b) one arising from the transverse processes of the lower six cervical vertebrae, inserting on the upper surface of the first rib, and functioning similarly to the scalenus anterior called also middle scalene, scalenus medius
c) one arising from the transverse processes of the fourth to sixth cervical vertebrae, inserting on the outer surface of the second rib, and functioning to raise the second rib and to bend and slightly rotate the neck called also posterior scalene, scalenus posterior

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one of four paired muscles of the neck (scalenus anterior, medius, minimus, and posterior), extending from the cervical (neck) vertebrae to the first and second ribs. They are responsible for raising the first and second ribs in inspiration and for bending the neck forward and to either side.

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sca·le·nus (ska-leґnəs) [L., from Gr. skalēnos] uneven (scalene); see under musculus.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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