
The amebae; a subphylum of protozoa in the phylum Sarcomastigophora, possessing pseudopodia or locomotive protoplasmic flow for movement. Includes forms that possess flagella during development and forms with an internal or external test or skeleton and others lacking such a structure; asexual reproduction occurs by fission, and sexual reproduction, if present, by flagellate or ameboid gametes; most species are free-living. [Mod. L. fr. G. sarx, flesh]

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Sar·co·di·na .sär-kə-'dī-nə, -'dē- n, pl a subphylum of protozoans of the phylum Sarcomastigophora that includes protozoans forming pseudopodia which ordinarily serve as organs for locomotion and taking food see RHIZOPODA
sar·co·din·i·an -'din-ē-ən n

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Sar·co·di·na (sahr″ko-diґnə) [Gr. sarkōdēs fleshlike] in older classifications of protozoa, a subphylum of the phylum Sarcomastigophora, including those organisms that alter their body shape and move about and acquire food by extension of pseudopodia (cytoplasmic organelles of various types), or by protoplasmic flow without discrete pseudopodia. Some have flagella during certain stages. The body of some sarcodines is naked, while in others an external or internal test or skeleton is present.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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