Sandfly — Sandflea redirects here, but can also refer to members of the Talitridae family. Sandfly biting a human s little finger … Wikipedia
sandfly — n. a small hairy fly of the widely distributed genus Phlebotomus. Adult sandflies rarely exceed 3 mm in length and have long slender legs. The blood sucking females of certain species transmit various diseases, including leishmaniasis, sandfly… … The new mediacal dictionary
Sandfly Island — Géographie Pays États Unis Archipel Dix mille îles Localisatio … Wikipédia en Français
Sandfly Bay — is a sandy bay with large dunes, located on the eastern side of the Otago Peninsula, New Zealand, 15km east of central Dunedin. The bay is accessed from Seal Point Road or a walking track from Sandymount.At the northeastern end of the bay the… … Wikipedia
Sandfly-Fever — [ sændflaɪ fiːvə, englisch] das, s, das Dreitagefieber … Universal-Lexikon
Sandfly-fever — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 A93.1 Pappatacifieber Phlebotomus Fieber Sandfliegenfieber … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sandfly fever — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 A93.1 Pappatacifieber Phlebotomus Fieber Sandfliegenfieber … Deutsch Wikipedia
sandfly fever — sand·fly fever .san(d) .flī n a virus disease of brief duration that is characterized by fever, headache, pain in the eyes, malaise, and leukopenia and is caused by either of two bunyaviruses of the genus Phlebovirus transmitted by the bite of a… … Medical dictionary
sandfly fever — Pappataci fever a viral disease transmitted to humans by the bite of the sandfly Phlebotomus papatasii. Sandfly fever occurs principally in countries surrounding the Persian Gulf and the tropical Mediterranean; it occurs during the warmer months … The new mediacal dictionary
sandfly — /sand fluy /, n., pl. sandflies. 1. any of several small, bloodsucking, dipterous insects of the family Psychodidae that are vectors of several diseases of humans. 2. any of several other small, bloodsucking, dipterous insects, as one of the… … Universalium