
Plastic surgery of the fallopian tubes. SYN: tuboplasty. [salpingo- + G. plastos, formed]

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sal·pin·go·plas·ty sal-'piŋ-gə-.plas-tē n, pl -ties plastic surgery of a fallopian tube

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sal·pin·go·plas·ty (sal-pingґgo-plas″te) [salpingo- + -plasty] plastic repair of a uterine tube; called also tuboplasty. salpingoplastic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • tuboplasty — SYN: salpingoplasty. * * * tu·bo·plas·ty (tooґbo plas″te) 1. plastic repair of a tube, such as the uterine tube (2. salpingoplasty) or auditory tube (eustachian tuboplasty). salpingoplasty. tuboplastic adj …   Medical dictionary

  • tuboplasty — noun Surgery to repair one or both of the fallopian tubes. Syn: salpingoplasty …   Wiktionary

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