- sadism
- A form of perversion, often sexual in nature, in which a person finds pleasure in inflicting abuse and maltreatment. Cf.:masochism. [Marquis de Sade, 1740–1814, confessedly addicted to the practice]
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sa·dism 'sā-.diz-əm, 'sad-.iz- n a sexual perversion in which gratification is obtained by the infliction of physical or mental pain on others (as on a love object) compare ALGOLAGNIA, MASOCHISMSade sȧd Marquis de (Comte Donatien-Alphonse-François) (1740-1814)French soldier and writer. From the time that he was a young nobleman Sade consorted with prostitutes and developed a taste for sexual perversions. He was imprisoned on several occasions for his harsh abuse of prostitutes and gross licentiousness. After arriving at the Bastille in 1784 he began writing erotic novels in which he gave full expression to his sexual fantasies. His most famous novel was The Adversities of Virtue (1787). His works are known for their graphic descriptions of sexual perversions. His last years were spent in an insane asylum at Charenton, where he wrote plays for his fellow inmates to perform. His compulsion for physically and sexually abusing others gave rise to the concept of sadism.* * *
n.sexual excitement in response to inflicting or thinking about inflicting pain upon other people. See also masochism, sexual deviation.• sadist n.• sadistic adj.* * *
sa·dism (saґdiz-əm) (sadґiz-əm) [Comte Donatien Alphonse Franзois, Marquis de Sade, French novelist, 1740–1814] the act or instance of gaining pleasure from inflicting physical or psychological pain on another; the term is usually used to denote sexual s. sadist n sadistic adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.