
1. The quartan malarial parasite Plasmodium malariae in its segmented or mature phase. 2. A grouping of cells characteristic of neoplasms of neuroblastic, neuroectodermal, or ependymal origin; a number of nuclei form a ring from which neurofibrils, which can be demonstrated by silver impregnation, extend to interlace in the center (Homer-Wright r.). 3. Roselike coiling of the uterus among certain pseudophyllidean tapeworms, such as Diphyllobothrium latum. 4. Cells of one type surrounding a cell of another type. [Fr. a little rose]
- E r. (ro-zet′) the adherence of erythrocytes to cells. Sheep erythrocytes will adhere spontaneously to human T cells, forming rosettes.
- EAC r. indicates the presence of complement receptors. Erythrocytes (E) coated with antibody (A) and complement (C) are incubated with test cells; if the test cells have complement receptors, the EAC will adhere to these cells, forming rosettes.
- Homer-Wright rosettes pseudorosettes formed by the arrangement of tumor cells around an area of fibrillarity, evidence of neuroblastic differentiation in a medulloblastoma or primitive neuroectodermal tumor.
- Wintersteiner rosettes rosettes found only in retinal embryonic tumors, formed by a group of columnar cells with a peripheral basement membrane arranged in a radial manner around a central cavity, the spokes corresponding to the photoreceptors.

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ro·sette -'zet n a rose-shaped cluster of cells

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ro·sette (ro-zetґ) [Fr. âœlittle roseâ] a structure, formation, or part occurring in a loosely attached cluster resembling a rose, such as (a) the clusters of polymorphonuclear leukocytes around a globule of lysed nuclear material, observed in a test for systemic lupus erythematosus; (b) a unique glandular complex near the oral area of certain ciliate protozoa, of unknown function; or (c) the symmetrical segmenter stage of certain malarial parasites, especially Plasmodium malariae.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Rosette — Rosette …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • rosette — [ rozɛt ] n. f. • 1298; « petite rose » XIIe; dimin. de 1. rose 1 ♦ Ornement circulaire, en forme de petite rose (en broderie, orfèvrerie, sculpture). 2 ♦ Nœud formé d une ou deux boucles. Faire une rosette à ses lacets. 3 ♦ (déb. XIXe) Insigne… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • rosette — 1. (rô zè t ) s. f. 1°   Petite rose (inusité en ce sens).    Terme de botanique. En rosette, se dit de la disposition de feuilles nombreuses étalées, disposées en cercle, rapprochées, et dont l ensemble termine une tige souterraine ou rhizome,… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Rosette — (französisch „kleine Rose“) steht für: Rosette (Architektur), in der Architektur ein großes kreisrundes Fenster, zumeist über dem Hauptportal Rosette (Ornamentik), in der Ornamentik eine stilisierte Rose als Verzierung das runde, oft durch… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Rosette — can refer to:*Rosette (design), a small flower design, especially used in antiquity *Rosette (decoration), a small circular device that can be awarded with medals *A type of award ribbon *The AA Rosette, a mark awarded to fine restaurants by the… …   Wikipedia

  • Rosette — Sf erw. fach. (18. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus frz. rosette, Diminutivum zu frz. rose.    Ebenso nndl. rozet, ne. rosette, nfrz. rosette, nschw. rosett, nnorw. rosett; Rose. ✎ DF 3 (1977), 484f.; Röhrich 2 (1992), 1255. französisch frz …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • Rosette — Rosette, s.v.w. Röschen, ein Ornament, das aus einer aufgeblühten Rose besteht; sehr häufig findet es sich auf mittelalterlichen Schlußsteinen der Gewölbe (Fig. 1), später in Mitte der flachen [510] Decken (Deckenrosetten, Fig. 2; vgl. Bd. 2, S.… …   Lexikon der gesamten Technik

  • Rosette — C est dans la Nièvre que le nom a toujours été le plus répandu, on le rencontre aussi dans le Calvados et aux Antilles. Dans bien des cas, c est un matronyme, diminutif du prénom Rose. Cependant, dans la Nièvre, on pensera plutôt à un toponyme :… …   Noms de famille

  • rosette — (n.) a rose shaped ornament, especially a bunch or knot of ribbons worn as a decoration, 1790, from Fr. rosette, dim. of rose rose (see ROSE (Cf. rose)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Rosette — Ro*sette, n. [F., dim. of rose a rose. Cf. {Roset}.] 1. An imitation of a rose by means of ribbon or other material, used as an ornament or a badge. [1913 Webster] 2. (Arch.) An ornament in the form of a rose or roundel, much used in decoration.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rosette — Rosette. См. Розетка. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) …   Словарь металлургических терминов

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