- roof
r. of fourth ventricle [
SYN: tegmen ventriculi quarti.
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retro-orbital orbicular fat
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roof 'rüf, 'ru̇f n,
pl roofs 'rüfs, 'ru̇fsalso 'rüvz, 'ru̇vz
1) the vaulted upper boundary of the mouth supported largely by the palatine bones and limited anteriorly by the dental lamina and posteriorly by the uvula and upper part of the fauces
2) a covering structure of any of various parts of the body other than the mouth <\roof of the skull> <\roof of the dental pulp chamber>
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f) a covering structure; see also tectum and tegmen.
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roof — roof … Dictionnaire des rimes
Roof — Roof, n. [OE. rof, AS. hr?f top, roof; akin to D. roef cabin, Icel. hr?f a shed under which ships are built or kept; cf. OS. hr?st roof, Goth. hr?t. Cf. {Roost}.] 1. (Arch.) The cover of any building, including the roofing (see {Roofing}) and all … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
roof — [ro͞of, roof] n. pl. roofs [ME rof < OE hrof, akin to ON, roof, shed < IE base * k̑rapo > OSlav stropŭ, roof] 1. the outside top covering of a building 2. figuratively, a house or home 3. the top or peak of anything [the roof of the… … English World dictionary
roof — O.E. hrof roof, ceiling, top, from P.Gmc. *khrofaz (Cf. O.Fris. rhoof roof, M.Du. roof cover, roof, Du. roef deckhouse, cabin, coffin lid, M.H.G. rof penthouse, O.N. hrof boat shed ). No apparent connections outside Germanic. English alone has… … Etymology dictionary
roof — ► NOUN (pl. roofs) 1) the structure forming the upper covering of a building or vehicle. 2) the top inner surface of a covered area or space. 3) the upper limit or level of prices or wages. ► VERB (usu. be roofed) ▪ cover with or as a roof … English terms dictionary
Roof — Roof, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Roofed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Roofing}.] 1. To cover with a roof. [1913 Webster] I have not seen the remains of any Roman buildings that have not been roofed with vaults or arches. Addison. [1913 Webster] 2. To inclose in a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Roof — steht für Michael Roof (1979–2009), US Schauspieler Roof (Einheit), Garnmaß im Königreich Hannover Siehe auch: Ruf Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidun … Deutsch Wikipedia
roof — /ingl. ruːf/ accorc. di roof garden (V.) … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Roof — (spr. Ruff), eine Art Hütte oben auf dem Deck mancher Kauffahrteischiffe nahe vor der Kajüte; Quartier der Matrosen auf den Schiffen, deren Raum für die Ladung allein bestimmt ist … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Roof — Roof, auf kleinen Kauffahrteischiffen eine Hütte auf Deck, meist Wohnraum der Mannschaft … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Roof — (engl., spr. ruf), Dach; Deckshaus auf dem Oberdeck von Kauffahrteischiffen, Mannschaftsraum … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon