- rhabdovirus
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rhab·do·vi·rus (rabґdo-vi″rəs) [rhabdo- + virus] any virus of the family Rhabdoviridae. rhabdoviral adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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rhab·do·vi·rus (rabґdo-vi″rəs) [rhabdo- + virus] any virus of the family Rhabdoviridae. rhabdoviral adjMedical dictionary. 2011.
Rhabdovirus — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Los Rhabdovirus son virus con cápside helicoidal. Incluye al virus de la rabia y de la estomatitis vesicular (que es el organismo modelo). El virus de la estomatitis vesicular es un virus de 180x75 nm, con cápsida… … Wikipedia Español
rhabdovirus — [rab′dō vī΄rəs] n. any of a large family (Rhabdoviridae) of RNA viruses with a wide range of animal hosts and vectors, including the virus that causes rabies … English World dictionary
Rhabdovirus — Los Rhabdovirus son virus con cápside helicoidal. Incluye al virus de la rabia y de la estomatitis vesicular (que es el organismo modelo). El virus de la estomatitis vesicular es un virus de 180x75nm, con cápsida rodeada por una envoltura con… … Enciclopedia Universal
rhabdovirus — noun Etymology: New Latin Date: 1966 any of a family (Rhabdoviridae) of rod or bullet shaped single stranded RNA viruses found in plants and animals and including the causative agents of rabies and vesicular stomatitis … New Collegiate Dictionary
Rhabdovirus — Rhabdoviren Systematik Reich: Viren Baltimore K. (( )ssRNA Viren) (V) Ordnung: Mononegavirales Familie: Rhabdoviridae … Deutsch Wikipedia
rhabdovirus — /rab doh vuy reuhs/, n., pl. rhabdoviruses. any of various RNA containing viruses of the family Rhabdoviridae, including the rabies virus. [1965 70; RHABDO + VIRUS] * * * Any of a group of viruses responsible for rabies and vesicular stomatitis… … Universalium
rhabdovirus — noun Any of the rod shaped viruses belonging to the family Rhabdoviridae … Wiktionary
Rhabdovirus — Rhạbdo|virus [gr. ϱ̔αβδος = Rute, Gerte, Stab u. ↑Virus] s; , ...ren (meist Mehrz.): Gruppe stäbchenförmiger Viren (RNS Viren) mit einem kegelförmigen und einem flachen Ende, zu denen u.Rhabdovirusa. das Tollwutvirus gehört … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
rhabdovirus — rhab·do·virus … English syllables
rhabdovirus — rhab•do•vi•rus [[t]ˈræb doʊˌvaɪ rəs[/t]] n. pl. rus•es mcr any of numerous bullet shaped or oblong RNA containing viruses, of the family Rhabdoviridae, that have spikes protruding from their envelope: includes the virus that causes rabies •… … From formal English to slang