- retroposed
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ret·ro·posed (retґro-pōzd″) [retro- + L. positus placed] displaced backward or posteriorly.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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ret·ro·posed (retґro-pōzd″) [retro- + L. positus placed] displaced backward or posteriorly.Medical dictionary. 2011.
retroposed — adjective inserted into a chromosome following reverse transcription … Wiktionary
Mammal — For other uses, see Mammal (disambiguation). Mammals Temporal range: Late Triassic – Recent, 220–0 Ma … Wikipedia
Retroposon — Retroposons are repetitive DNA fragments which are inserted into chromosomes after they had been reverse transcribed from any RNA molecule. In contrast to retrotransposons, they never encode Reverse Transcriptase (RT). Therefore, they are non… … Wikipedia
Afrotheria — Taxobox name = Afrotheria fossil range = Paleocene Recent image width = 250px image caption =1. Orycteropus afer 2. Dugong dugon 3. Rhynchocyon petersi 4. Trichechus manatus 5.Chrysochloridae sp. 6. Procavia capensis 7. Loxodonta africana 8.… … Wikipedia
Euarchontoglires — Taxobox name = Euarchontoglires fossil range = Late Cretaceous Recent image width = 160px image caption = Ring tailed Lemurs ( Lemur catta ) regnum = Animalia classis = Mammalia infraclassis = Eutheria superordo = Euarchontoglires subdivision… … Wikipedia
Laurasiatheria — Taxobox name = Laurasiatheria fossil range = Late Cretaceous Recent image caption = Giant golden crowned flying fox ( Acerodon jubatus ) regnum = Animalia classis = Mammalia infraclassis = Eutheria superordo = Laurasiatheria superordo authority … Wikipedia
Epitheria — Taxobox name = Epitheria fossil range = early Late Cretaceous Recent image width = 250px image caption = European Rabbit regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Mammalia subclassis = Theria infraclassis = Eutheria unranked ordo = Epitheria… … Wikipedia
Retrotransposon marker — Retrotransposon markersare retrotransposons that are used as cladistic markers.The analysis of SINEs – Short INterspersed Elements – LINEs – Long INterspersed Elements – or truncated LTRs – Long Terminal Repeats – as molecular cladistic markers… … Wikipedia
Boreoeutheria — Taxobox name = Boreoeutheria image width = 220px regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata subphylum = Vertebrata classis = Mammalia subclassis = Eutheria infraclassis = Epitheria unranked ordo = Boreoeutheria subdivision ranks = Superorders and clades … Wikipedia
Human evolutionary genetics — studies how one human genome differs from the other, the evolutionary past that gave rise to it, and its current effects. Differences between genomes have anthropological, medical and forensic implications and applications. Genetic data can… … Wikipedia