- Retortamonas
- A genus of protozoan flagellates, one species of which, R. intestinalis, is found occasionally in the human intestine, although it is nonpathogenic and infrequently reported. [L. re-torqueo, to twist back, + G. monas, single, a unit]
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Re·tor·tam·o·nas (re″tor-tamґo-nas) [L. retortus bent back + Gr. monas unit, from monos single] a genus of biflagellate, nonpathogenic, parasitic, intestinal protozoa of the order Retortamonadida, phylum Sarcomastigophorea, found in various insects, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals; they have two anterior flagella, one of which extends posteriorly and trails from the body.
Medical dictionary. 2011.