- retinoscopy
- A method of determining errors of refraction by illuminating the retina and observing the rays of light emerging from the eye. SYN: scotoscopy, shadow test, skiascopy. [retino- + G. skopeo, to view]- fogging r. the method of reducing vision with convex lenses until accommodation is suspended; a static, noncycloplegic technique.
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ret·i·nos·co·py .ret-ən-'äs-kə-pē n, pl -pies a method of determining the state of refraction of the eye by illuminating the retina with a mirror and observing the direction of movement of the retinal illumination and adjacent shadow when the mirror is turned* * *
ret·i·nos·co·py (ret″ĭ-nosґkə-pe) [retina + -scopy] an objective method for investigating, diagnosing, and evaluating refractive errors of the eye, by projection of a beam of light into the eye and observation of the movement of the illuminated area on the retina surface and of the refraction by the eye of the emergent rays. Called also skiascopy and skiametry.
Medical dictionary. 2011.