- retinoschisis
- Degenerative splitting of the retina, with cyst formation between the two layers. [retino- + G. schisis, division]- juvenile r. [MIM*268100] r. occurring before 10 years of age and within the nerve-fiber layer, with frequent macular involvement; at first, the inner wall is a translucent veil-like membrane, but it becomes more dense and may render the retina white; autosomal recessive inheritance. There is a form of this condition in middle age that is X-linked [MIM*312700] and a rare autosomal dominant form [MIM*180270].- senile r. r. occurring most often in the elderly and affecting the outer plexiform layer; it begins in the extreme inferotemporal periphery and is not significantly progressive; vision usually is good.
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ret·i·nos·chi·sis .ret-ən-'äs-kə-səs n, pl -chi·ses -.sēz also -chi·sis·es degenerative splitting of the retina into separate layers* * *
n.splitting of the layers of the retina with accumulation of fluid between the layers. This usually progresses very slowly compared to other types of retinal detachment.* * *
ret·i·nos·chi·sis (ret″ĭ-nosґkĭ-sis) [retina + -schisis] splitting of the retina: in the juvenile form the splitting occurs in the nerve fiber layer, and in the adult form in the external plexiform layer. The disorder is usually more benign and slowly progressive than retinal detachment.
Medical dictionary. 2011.