
A frenum, or a retaining band or ligament. [L. a band, a halter, fr. retineo, to hold back]
- antebrachial flexor r. thickening of distal antebrachial fascia just proximal to radiocarpal (wrist) joint. Continuous with extensor r. at margins of forearm. This structure is distinct from the transverse carpal ligament, commonly calledthe flexor r.,” which forms the roof of the carpal tunnel. SYN: flexor r. of forearm, palmar carpal ligament.
- r. of articular capsule of hip one of several longitudinal folds of the articular capsule of the hip joint reflected onto the femoral neck deep to which the retinacular branches of the medial femoral circumflex artery pass to reach the femoral head. SYN: r. capsulae articularis coxae, Weitbrecht fibers.
- r. capsulae articularis coxae SYN: r. of articular capsule of hip.
- caudal r. SYN: r. caudale.
- r. caudale [TA] fibrous bands, remnants of the notochord, that extend from the skin to the coccyx, forming the coccygeal foveola. SYN: caudal ligament, caudal r., ligamentum caudale.
- r. cutis [TA] SYN: skin ligaments, under ligament.
- r. cutis mammae suspensory ligaments of breast, under ligament.
- extensor r. [TA] a strong fibrous band formed as a thickening of the antebrachial deep fascia, stretching obliquely across the back of the wrist, attaching deeply to ridges on the dorsal aspect of the radius, triquetral, and pisiform bones, and binding down the extensor tendons of the fingers and thumb. SYN: r. musculorum extensorum [TA], dorsal carpal ligament, ligamentum carpi dorsale.
- retinacula of extensor muscles See inferior extensor r., superior extensor r..
- flexor r. [TA] a strong fibrous band crossing the front of the carpus and binding down the flexor tendons of the digits and the flexor carpi radialis tendon and the median nerve; in so doing it creates the carpal tunnel. SYN: r. musculorum flexorum [TA], deep part of flexor r., ligamentum carpi transversum, ligamentum carpi volare, transverse carpal ligament, volar carpal ligament.
- flexor r. of lower limb [TA] a wide band passing from the medial malleolus to the medial and upper border of the calcaneus and to the plantar surface as far as the navicular bone; it holds in place the tendons of the tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, and flexor hallucis longus. SYN: r. musculorum flexorum membri inferioris [TA], laciniate ligament, ligamentum laciniatum, r. of flexor muscles.
- r. of flexor muscles SYN: flexor r. of lower limb.
- inferior extensor r. [TA] a Y-shaped ligament restraining the extensor tendons of the foot distal to the ankle joint. SYN: r. musculorum extensorum inferius [TA], cruciate ligament of leg, inferior r. of extensor muscles, ligamentum cruciatum cruris.
- inferior r. of extensor muscles SYN: inferior extensor r..
- inferior fibular r. [TA] broad thickened band of deep fascia overlying fibularis longus and brevis tendons as they pass along the lateral margin of the foot, anchoring the tendons and their associated bursae in place; it is a lateral continuation of the stem of the Y-shaped inferior extensor r. which attaches to the fibular trochlea of the calcaneus (which intervenes between the two tendons) and then continues to attach to the inferolateral aspect of the calcaneous. SYN: r. musculorum fibularium inferius [TA], inferior peroneal r., r. musculorum peroneorum inferius.
- lateral patellar r. [TA] part of the aponeurosis of the vastus lateralis muscle passing lateral to the patella to attach to the tibial tuberosity. SYN: r. patellae laterale [TA].
- medial patellar r. [TA] part of the aponeurosis of the vastus medialis muscle passing medial to the patella to attach to the medial condyle of the tibia, forming the anteromedial aspect of the fibrous capsule of the knee joint. SYN: r. patellae mediale [TA].
- Morgagni r. SYN: frenulum of ileal orifice.
- r. musculorum extensorum [TA] SYN: extensor r..
- r. musculorum extensorum inferius [TA] SYN: inferior extensor r..
- r. musculorum extensorum superius [TA] SYN: superior extensor r..
- r. musculorum fibularium SYN: peroneal r..
- r. musculorum fibularium inferius [TA] SYN: inferior fibular r..
- r. musculorum fibularium superius [TA] SYN: superior fibular r..
- r. musculorum flexorum [TA] SYN: flexor r..
- r. musculorum flexorum membri inferioris [TA] SYN: flexor r. of lower limb.
- r. musculorum peroneorum SYN: peroneal r..
- retinacula of nail fibrous attachments of the nail-bed to the underlying phalanx. SYN: retinacula unguis.
- r. patellae laterale [TA] SYN: lateral patellar r..
- r. patellae mediale [TA] SYN: medial patellar r..
- patellar r. extensions of the aponeuroses of the vasti medialis and lateralis muscles that pass on each side of the patella, attaching to the margins of the patella and patellar ligament anteriorly, the collateral ligaments posteriorly, and the tibial condyles distally; form the anteromedial and (with the fibrous expansion of the iliotibial tract) the anteromedial portions of the fibrous capsule of the knee. See lateral patellar r., medial patellar r..
- peroneal r. superior and inferior fibrous bands retaining the tendons of the peroneus longus and brevis in position as they cross the lateral side of the ankle. SYN: retinacula of peroneal muscles, r. musculorum fibularium, r. musculorum peroneorum.
- r. musculorum peroneorum inferius inferior fibular r..
- r. musculorum peroneorum superius superior fibular r..
- retinacula of peroneal muscles SYN: peroneal r..
- r. of skin SYN: skin ligaments, under ligament.
- superior extensor r. [TA] the ligament that binds down the extensor tendons proximal to the ankle joint; it is continuous with (a thickening of) the deep fascia of the leg. SYN: r. musculorum extensorum superius [TA], ligamentum transversum cruris, superior r. of extensor muscles, transverse crural ligament, transverse ligament of leg.
- superior r. of extensor muscles SYN: superior extensor r..
- superior fibular r. [TA] SYN: r. musculorum fibularium superius [TA], r. musculorum peroneorum superius, superior peroneal r..
- suspensory r. of breast suspensory ligaments of breast, under ligament.
- r. tendinum a ligamentous structure to restrain tendons, such as the flexor or extensor retinacula, or the annular parts of the digital fibrous sheaths.
- retinacula unguis SYN: retinacula of nail.

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n. (pl. retinacula)
a thickened band of tissue that serves to hold various tissues in place. For example, flexor retinacula are found over the flexor tendons in the wrist and ankle.

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ret·i·nac·u·lum (retĭ-nakґu-ləm) pl. retinaґcula [L. âœa rope, cableâ] a structure that retains an organ or tissue in place.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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