- reserve
- Something available but held back for later use, as strength or carbohydrates. [L. re-servo, to keep back, r.]- alkali r. the sum total of the basic ions (mainly bicarbonates) of the blood and other body fluids that, acting as buffers, maintain the normal pH of the blood.- breathing r. the difference between the pulmonary ventilation ( i.e., the volume of air breathed under ordinary resting conditions) and the maximum breathing capacity.- cardiac r. the work that the heart is able to perform beyond that required under the ordinary circumstances of daily life, depending upon the state of the myocardium and the degree to which, within physiologic limits, the cardiac muscle fibers can be stretched by the volume of blood reaching the heart during diastole.
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2) the capacity of a solution to neutralize alkali or acid when its reaction is shifted from one hydrogen-ion concentration to another esp the capacity of blood or bacteriological media to react with acid or alkali within predetermined and usu. physiological limits of hydrogen-ion concentration compare BUFFER, BUFFER SOLUTIONreserve adj constituting or having the form or function of a reserve <a \reserve supply> <\reserve strength>* * *
re·serve (re-zurvґ) 1. to hold back for future use. 2. a supply, beyond that ordinarily used, which may be utilized in an emergency.
Medical dictionary. 2011.