
1. A cyclic process by which bone maintains a dynamic steady state through sequential resorption and formation of a small amount of bone at the same site; unlike the process of modeling, the size and shape of remodeled bone remain unchanged. 2. Any process of reshaping or reorganizing.
- heart chamber r. an architectural change in any cardiac chamber (usually one or both ventricles) due to a pathologic or normal (neonatal) stimulus.

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re·mod·el·ing (.)-'mäd-əl- n the process of bone resorption and formation that involves the activity of osteoclasts and osteoblasts <osteoporosis results when the dynamic, constant process of bone \remodeling becomes unbalanced (Larry Deblinger)>
re·mod·el -'mäd-əl vt

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re·mod·el·ing (re-modґəl-ing) reorganization or renovation of an old structure.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • remodeling — index development (progression), rehabilitation, reorganization, repair Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • remodeling — noun An instance of a modification or a redecorating …   Wiktionary

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  • remodeling — re·mod·el || ‚rɪː mÉ‘dl / mÉ’dl v. reshape, recast, remold; rebuild, reconstruct, remake, redo …   English contemporary dictionary

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