- Immunology
- The study of all aspects of the immune system including its structure and function, disorders of the immune system, blood banking, immunization and organ transplantation.
* * *1. The science concerned with the various phenomena of immunity, induced sensitivity, and allergy. 2. Study of the structure and function of the immune system. [immuno- + G. logos, study]
* * *
im·mu·nol·o·gy .im-yə-'näl-ə-jē n, pl -gies a science that deals with the immune system and the cell-mediated and humoral aspects of immunity and immune responses* * *
n.• immunological adj.* * *
im·mu·nol·o·gy (im″u-nolґə-je) the branch of biomedical science concerned with the response of the organism to antigenic challenge, the recognition of self and not self, and all the biological (in vivo), serological (in vitro), and physical chemical aspects of immune phenomena. It encompasses the study of the structure and function of the immune system (basic immunology); immunization, organ transplantation, blood banking, and immunopathology (clinical immunology); laboratory testing of cellular and humoral immune function (laboratory immunology); and the use of antigen-antibody reactions in other laboratory tests (serology and immunochemistry).
Medical dictionary. 2011.