
SYN: region. [L.]
- regiones abdominis [TA] SYN: abdominal regions, under region.
- r. abdominis lateralis flank.
- r. analis [TA] SYN: anal triangle.
- r. antebrachialis anterior anterior region of forearm.
- r. antebrachialis posterior posterior region of forearm.
- r. antebrachii anterior [TA] SYN: anterior region of forearm.
- r. antebrachii posterior [TA] SYN: posterior region of arm.
- r. axillaris [TA] SYN: axillary region.
- r. brachialis anterior anterior region of arm.
- r. brachialis posterior posterior region of arm.
- r. brachii anterior [TA] SYN: anterior region of arm.
- r. buccalis [TA] SYN: buccal region.
- r. calcanea [TA] SYN: heel region.
- regiones capitis [TA] SYN: regions of head, under region.
- r. carpalis anterior [TA] SYN: anterior region of wrist.
- r. carpalis posterior [TA] SYN: posterior region of wrist.
- regiones cervicales [TA] SYN: regions of neck, under region.
- r. cervicalis anterior [TA] SYN: anterior cervical region.
- r. cervicalis lateralis [TA] SYN: lateral cervical region.
- r. cervicalis posterior [TA] SYN: posterior cervical region.
- r. colli posterior posterior cervical region.
- regiones corporis SYN: regions of body, under region.
- r. cruralis posterior [TA] SYN: posterior region of leg.
- r. cruris anterior [TA] SYN: anterior region of leg.
- r. cubitalis anterior [TA] SYN: anterior region of elbow.
- r. cubitalis posterior posterior region of elbow.
- r. deltoidea [TA] SYN: deltoid region.
- regiones dorsales [TA] SYN: regions of back, under region.
- regiones dorsi regions of back, under region.
- r. epigastrica epigastric region.
- r. facialis [TA] SYN: face region.
- r. femoralis posterior SYN: posterior region of thigh.
- r. femoris [TA] SYN: femoral region.
- r. femoris anterior [TA] SYN: anterior region of thigh.
- r. femoris posterior [TA] SYN: posterior region of thigh.
- r. frontalis capitis [TA] SYN: frontal region of head.
- r. genus anterior [TA] SYN: anterior region of knee.
- r. genus posterior [TA] SYN: posterior region of knee.
- r. glutealis [TA] SYN: gluteal region.
- r. hypochondriaca hypochondriac region.
- r. infraclavicularis SYN: infraclavicular fossa.
- r. inframammaria [TA] SYN: inframammary region.
- r. infraorbitalis [TA] SYN: infraorbital region.
- r. infrascapularis [TA] SYN: infrascapular region.
- r. inguinalis groin (1).
- r. lateralis abdominis flank.
- r. lumbalis [TA] SYN: lumbar region.
- r. mammaria [TA] SYN: mammary region.
- regiones membri inferioris [TA] SYN: regions of lower limb, under region.
- regiones membri superioris [TA] SYN: regions of upper limb, under region.
- r. mentalis [TA] SYN: mental region.
- r. nasalis [TA] SYN: nasal region.
- r. nuchalis SYN: posterior cervical region.
- r. occipitalis capitis [TA] SYN: occipital region of head.
- r. olfactoria tunicae mucosae nasi SYN: olfactory region of nasal mucosa.
- r. oralis [TA] SYN: oral region.
- r. orbitalis [TA] SYN: orbital region.
- r. parietalis capitis [TA] SYN: parietal region.
- r. pectoralis [TA] SYN: pectoral region.
- r. perinealis [TA] SYN: perineal region.
- r. plantaris sole of foot.
- r. presternalis [TA] SYN: presternal region.
- r. pubica pubic region.
- r. respiratoria tunicae mucosae nasi SYN: respiratory region of mucosa of nasal cavity.
- r. sacralis [TA] SYN: sacral region.
- r. scapularis [TA] SYN: scapular region.
- r. sternocleidomastoidea [TA] SYN: sternocleidomastoid region.
- r. suralis [TA] SYN: sural region, sural region.
- r. talocruralis SYN: ankle region.
- r. tarsalis [TA] SYN: ankle region.
- r. temporalis capitis [TA] SYN: temporal region of head.
- regiones thoracicae anteriores et laterales [TA] SYN: anterior and lateral thoracic regions, under region.
- r. umbilicalis [TA] SYN: umbilical region.
- r. urogenitalis [TA] SYN: urogenital triangle.
- r. vertebralis [TA] SYN: vertebral region.
- r. zygomatica [TA] SYN: zygomatic region.

* * *

re·gio (reґje-o) pl. regioґnes [L. “a space enclosed by lines”] region: general anatomical nomenclature for an area on the surface of the body within defined boundaries.

Descriptions are given on TA terms and include anglicized names of specific regions.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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