- recess
- anterior r. a circumscript deepening of the interpeduncular fossa in the direction of the mamillary bodies. SYN: recessus anterior [TA].- anterior r. of tympanic membrane [TA] a slitlike space on the tympanic wall between the anterior malleolar fold and the tympanic membrane. SYN: recessus anterior membranae tympanicae [TA], Tröltsch pockets, Tröltsch recesses.- azygoesophageal r. the region below the azygos vein arch in which the right lung intrudes into the mediastinum between the heart and vertebral column, bordered on the left by the esophagus.- cochlear r. [TA] a small depression on the inner wall of the vestibule of the labyrinth at the portion of the pyramid of vestibule, between the two limbs into which the vestibular crest divides posteriorly; it is perforated by foramina giving passage to fibers that the cochlear branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve sends to the posterior extremity of the cochlear duct. SYN: recessus cochlearis [TA], Reichert cochlear r..- costodiaphragmatic r. [TA] the cleftlike extension of the pleural cavity between the diaphragm and the rib cage; pleural effusions collect here when in the upright position, and since the lung only partially enters, this is the site of thoracocentesis. SYN: recessus costodiaphragmaticus [TA], phrenicocostal sinus.- costomediastinal r. [TA] the r. of the pleural cavity between the costal cartilages and the mediastinum. SYN: recessus costomediastinalis [TA], costomediastinal sinus.- elliptical r. of bony labyrinth [TA] an oval depression in the roof and inner wall of the vestibule of the labyrinth, lodging the utriculus. SYN: recessus ellipticus labyrinthi ossei [TA], recessus utricularis labyrinthi ossei, utricular r. of bony labyrinth, fovea elliptica, fovea hemielliptica.- epitympanic r. [TA] the upper portion of the tympanic cavity above the tympanic membrane; it contains the head of the malleus and the body of the incus. SYN: recessus epitympanicus [TA], attic, epitympanic space, epitympanum, Hyrtl epitympanic r., tympanic attic.- hepatoenteric r. a peritoneal r. at the caudal end of the embryonic pneumatoenteric r.; it separates the developing liver and stomach.- hepatorenal r. of subhepatic space [TA] the deep r. of the subhepatic space of the peritoneal cavity on the right side extending upward between the liver in front and the kidney and suprarenal behind; this is a gravity-dependent portion of the peritoneal cavity when in the supine position; fluids draining from the omental bursa drain here. SYN: recessus hepatorenalis recessus subhepatici [TA], hepatorenal pouch, Morison pouch.- inferior ileocecal r. [TA] a deep fossa sometimes found between the ileocecal fold, the mesoappendix, and the cecum. SYN: recessus ileocecalis inferior [TA].- inferior r. of omental bursa [TA] a r. of the omental bursa extending between anterior and posterior layers of the great omentum. SYN: recessus inferior omentalis [TA], inferior omental r..- infundibular r. [TA] a funnel-shaped diverticulum leading from the anterior portion of the third ventricle down into the infundibulum of the hypophysis. SYN: aditus ad infundibulum [TA], recessus infundibuli [TA].- intersigmoid r. [TA] a triangular peritoneal r. posterior and inferior to the sigmoid colon created by the attachment of the sigmoid mesocolon ascending across the left psoas, then turning sharply to descend into the pelvis; the left ureter descends the posterior wall of this r.. SYN: recessus intersigmoideus [TA].- lateral r. of fourth ventricle [TA] the narrow r. of the ventricle that extends laterally over, and down along the side of, the inferior cerebellar peduncle and the overlying cochlear nuclei; at its tip it opens by way of Luschka foramen into the interopeduncular cistern of the subarachnoid space. By way of this r., part of the choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle protrudes into the subarachnoid space. SYN: recessus lateralis ventriculi quarti [TA].- mesentericoparietal r. SYN: parajejunal fossa.- optic r. See supraoptic r..- pancreaticoenteric r. a r. of the embryonic peritoneal cavity that develops into the adult omental bursa.- paracolic recesses SYN: paracolic gutters, under gutter.- paraduodenal r. [TA] an occasional r. in the peritoneum to the left of the terminal portion of the duodenum located posterior to a fold containing the inferior mesenteric vein. SYN: recessus paraduodenalis [TA], fossa venosa, paraduodenal fossa.- pharyngeal r. [TA] a slitlike depression in the lateral membranous (nonmuscular) pharyngeal wall extending posterior to the opening of the pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube. SYN: recessus pharyngeus [TA], recessus infundibuliformis, Rosenmüller fossa, Rosenmüller r..- phrenicomediastinal r. [TA] the r. of the pleural cavity between the diaphragm and the mediastinum. SYN: recessus phrenicomediastinalis [TA].- pineal r. [TA] a diverticulum from the posterior part of the third ventricle extending back between the posterior commissure and the habenular commissure; sometimes extending into the stalk of the pineal. SYN: recessus pinealis [TA].- pleural recesses [TA] four recesses of the pleural cavity, one behind the sternum and costal cartilages (costomediastinal r.), one between the diaphragm and chest wall (costodiaphragmatic r.), one between the diaphragm and mediastinum (phrenicomediastinal r.), and one between the vertebral bodies and mediastinum (vertebromediastinal r.). SYN: recessus pleurales [TA], pleural sinuses.- pneumatoenteric r., pneumoenteric r. a r. of the embryonic celom between the right lung bud and the gut; it is normally largely obliterated before birth, leaving only the superior r. of the vestibule of the lesser peritoneal sac as a vestige.- posterior r. [TA] a deepening of the interpeduncular fossa toward the pons. SYN: recessus posterior [TA].- posterior r. of tympanic membrane [TA] a narrow pocket in the tympanic wall between the posterior malleolar fold and the tympanic membrane. SYN: recessus posterior membranae tympanicae [TA], Tröltsch pockets, Tröltsch recesses.- retrocecal r. [TA] one of several small pockets sometimes found extending alongside the right margin of the ascending colon near the cecum. SYN: recessus retrocecalis [TA], cecal r..- retroduodenal r. [TA] a peritoneal r. occasionally found behind the third part of the duodenum, between it and the aorta. SYN: recessus retroduodenalis [TA], infraduodenal fossa, retroduodenal fossa.- sacciform r. of distal radioulnar joint [TA] an extension of the cavity of the distal radioulnar articulation proximad between the two bones; SYN: recessus sacciformis articulationis radioulnaris distalis [TA].- sacciform r. of elbow joint [TA] an extension of the capsule of the elbow joint at the neck of the radius. SYN: recessus sacciformis articulationis [TA].- sphenoethmoidal r. [TA] a small cleftlike pocket of the nasal cavity above the superior concha into which the sphenoid sinuses drain. SYN: recessus sphenoethmoidalis [TA].- spherical r. of bony labyrinth [TA] a rounded depression on the inner wall of the vestibule of the labyrinth, lodging the sacculus. SYN: recessus saccularis larbyrinthi ossei, saccular r. of bony labyrinth, fovea hemispherica, fovea spherica, recessus sphericus labyrinthi ossei.- splenic r. [TA] the extension of the omental bursa toward the hilum of the spleen. SYN: recessus splenicus [TA], recessus lienalis.- subpopliteal r. [TA] the extension of the cavity of the knee joint between the tendon of the popliteus and lateral condyle of the femur. SYN: recessus subpopliteus [TA], bursa of popliteus.- superior azygoesophageal r. the region above the azygos vein arch in which the right lung is in contact with the esophagus.- superior ileocecal r. [TA] a shallow pouch occasionally existing between the terminal ileum, the cecum, and the ileocolic artery when the latter is present. SYN: recessus ileocecalis superior [TA].- superior r. of omental bursa [TA] a portion of the vestibule of the bursa omentalis that extends upward between the inferior vena cava and the esophagus. SYN: recessus superior bursae omentalis [TA], superior omental r..- superior r. of tympanic membrane [TA] a space in the mucous membrane on the inner surface of the tympanic membrane between the flaccid part of the membrane and the neck of the malleus. SYN: recessus superior membranae tympanicae [TA], Prussak pouch, Prussak space.- supraoptic r. a diverticulum extending forward from the anterior part of the third ventricle above the optic chiasm. SYN: recessus supraopticus [TA], recessus supraopticus [TA].- suprapineal r. [TA] a variable diverticulum from the posterior portion of the third ventricle of the brain, running backward some distance above and beyond the pineal r.. SYN: recessus suprapinealis [TA].- triangular r. an occasional evagination of the anterior wall of the third ventricle of the brain between the anterior commissure and the diverging pillars of the fornix. SYN: recessus triangularis.- tubotympanic r. the dorsal portion of the embryonic first endodermal pharyngeal pouch; it develops into the middle ear cavity.- recesses of tympanic cavity [TA] spaces of the tympanic wall around the tympanic membrane. SYN: recessus membranae tympanicae [TA].- utricular r. of membranous labyrinth [TA] part of the utricle that forms a blind-ended pouch that extends into the ellipsoid (utricular) r. of the bony labyrinth. SYN: recessus utricularis labyrinthi membranacei [TA].- vertebromediastinal r. [TA] pleural r. formed by the reflection of the mediastinal part of the parietal pleura onto the vertebral bodies. SYN: recessus vertebromediastinalis [TA].
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re·cess (reґses) a small empty space or hollow; for specific anatomic structures not found here, see under recessus. See also cavity, pocket, and pouch.
Medical dictionary. 2011.