- Rauwolfia
- A genus of tropical trees and shrubs (family Apocynaceae). The powdered whole root of R. serpentina contains alkaloids that produce a sedative-antihypertensive-bradycardiac action; approximately 50% of the total activity is due to reserpine. [L. Rauwolf, German botanist, 16th century]
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1) any of a genus (Rauvolfia syn. Rauwolfia) of tropical trees and shrubs of the dogbane family (Apocynaceae) that yield medicinal alkaloids (as reserpine)2) the dried root or an extract from the root of a rauwolfia (esp. Rauvolfia serpentina of Asia) used chiefly in the treatment of hypertensionRau·wolf 'rau̇-.vȯlf Leonhard (1535-1596)German botanist. Rauwolf is famous for his botanical studies in the Middle East. He began his outstanding collection of dried plants with specimens from southern France, Switzerland, and northern Italy. Then from 1573 to 1576 he traveled extensively in the Middle East to collect more specimens for his herbarium with the intention of exploring the potential of the local plants for their use as drugs. In 1582 he published an account of his travels and descriptions of the plants that he had collected. In 1703 the botanist Charles Plumier named the genus Rauwolfia in his honor.* * *
n.the dried root of the shrub Rauwolfia serpentina, which contains several alkaloids, including reserpine. Rauwolfia and its alkaloids lower blood pressure and depress activity of the central nervous system. They were formerly used as tranquillizers and to treat hypertension, but have been replaced by more effective and reliable drugs.* * *
Rau·wol·fia (rou-woolґfe-ə) [Leonhard Rauwolf, 16th century German botanist] a large genus of tropical trees and shrubs of the family Apocyanaceae. Many species provide alkaloids of medical interest, such as reserpine, and have long been used medicinally in South America, Africa, and Asia.
Medical dictionary. 2011.