
A genus of tapeworms (family Davaineidae, order Cyclophyllidea), three species of which, R. madagascariensis or R. demerariensis, R. asiatica, and R. formsana, have been found in humans. However, the identification of many of these worms found in humans has been questioned.

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Rail·lie·ti·na .rāl-yə-'tī-nə n a large genus of armed cyclophyllidean tapeworms (family Davaineidae) of which the adults are parasitic in birds, rodents, or rarely humans and the larvae are parasitic in various insects
Rail·liet rī-yā Louis-Joseph Alcide (1852-1930)
French veterinarian. Railliet was a professor of veterinary science, a naturalist, and a noted helminthologist. He is considered by some a founder of parasitology. He was the author of several works on parasitic diseases in animals. The genus Raillietina was named in his honor in 1920.

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Rail·li·e·ti·na (ri″le-ə-tiґnə) [L.-J.A. Railliet] a genus of tapeworms of the family Davaineidae, many species of which infect birds, domestic fowl, and mammals. R. asiaґtica, R. celebenґsis, R. demararienґsis, R. formosaґna, R. loechesaґlavezi, and R. madagascarienґsis have been reported from human infections.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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