
Simultaneous viewing of two radiographs made in slightly different projections, usually with a device that reflects the image of one on each eye, allowing three-dimensional visualization of an object in relation to others. See stereoradiography, stereoscope. [radio- + G. stereos, solid, + skopeo, to view]

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ra·dio·ste·re·os·co·py (rade-o-stere-osґkə-pe) [radio- + stereo- + -scopy] the inspection of the interior organs by means of x-rays.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • stereoscopy — 1. An optic technique by which two images of the same object are blended into one, giving a three dimensional appearance to the single image. 2. See radiostereoscopy. * * * ste·re·os·co·py .ster ē äs kə pē, .stir ; ster ē ə .skō pē, stir n, pl… …   Medical dictionary

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