- quinidine
- β-Quinine; one of the alkaloids of cinchona, a stereoisomer of quinine (the C-9 epimer); used as an antimalarial; also used in the treatment of atrial fibrillation and flutter, and paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia. SYN: conquinine.- q. polygalacturonate a salt of q. that may be used in place of q. sulfate; antiarrhythmic agent. See q. sulfate. SEE ALSO: q..- q. sulfate the salt of q. that is customarily administered as a cardiac antiarrhythmic agent. The drug depresses myocardial conduction, contraction, automaticity and contraction; it also by a direct effect impairs conduction through the atrioventricular node. Has vagolytic action that may increase heart rate. SEE ALSO: q..
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quin·i·dine 'kwin-ə-.dēn, -dən n a crystalline dextrorotatory stereoisomer of quinine found in some species of cinchona and used chiefly in the form of its hydrated sulfate (C20H24N2O2)2·H2SO4·2H2O to treat irregularities of cardiac rhythm and sometimes in place of quinine as an antimalarial* * *
n.a drug that slows down the activity of the heart and is administered by mouth to control abnormal and increased heart rhythm. Digestive upsets and symptoms of cinchonism may occur as side-effects. Trade name: Kinidin Durules.* * *
quin·i·dine (kwinґĭ-dēn) the dextrorotatory isomer of quinine obtained from various species of Cinchona and their hybrids, and from Remijia pedunculata, or prepared from quinine. It has cardiac depressant activity, and is as potent an antimalarial as quinine but is rarely used for the latter effect except when quinine is not immediately available.
Medical dictionary. 2011.