- Iatrogenic
- Due to the activity of a physician or a therapy. Inadvertently caused by a physician or surgeon or by a medical or surgical treatment or a diagnostic procedure. The word "iatrogenic" comes from the Greek roots "iatros" meaning "the healer or physician" + "gennan" meaning "as a product of" = due to the doctor. For example, puerperal fever (childbirth fever) was an iatrogenic infection; it was carried from one woman to another by the doctor before the days of antisepsis. If in the course of a procedure, an artery is nicked and bleeds, that is an iatrogenic accident.
* * *Denoting response to medical or surgical treatment, induced by the treatment itself; usually used for unfavorable responses. [iatro- + G. -gen, producing]
* * *
iat·ro·gen·ic (.)ī-.a-trə-'jen-ikalso (.)ē- adj induced inadvertently by a physician or surgeon or by medical treatment or diagnostic procedures <an \iatrogenic rash>iat·ro·gen·i·cal·ly -'jen-i-k(ə-)lē adv* * *
adj.describing a condition that has resulted from treatment, as either an unforeseen or inevitable side-effect.* * *
iat·ro·gen·ic (i-at″ro-jenґik) [iatro- + -genic] resulting from the activity of physicians.
Medical dictionary. 2011.