
Distention of the pelvis and calices of the kidney with pus, usually associated with obstruction. SYN: nephropyosis. [pyo- + G. nephros, kidney, + -osis, condition]

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pyo·ne·phro·sis -ni-'frō-səs n, pl -phro·ses -.sēz a collection of pus in the kidney

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obstruction and infection of the kidney resulting in pus formation. A kidney stone is the usual cause of the obstruction, and the kidney becomes distended by pus and destroyed by the inflammation, which extends into the kidney substance itself and sometimes into the surrounding tissues (see perinephritis). Treatment is urgent nephrectomy under antibiotic cover.

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pyo·neph·ro·sis (pi″o-nə-froґsis) [pyo- + nephrosis] infected hydronephrosis that has progressed to suppurative destruction of the renal parenchyma, with extensive or complete loss of renal function. pyonephrotic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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