- pyloroplasty
- Widening of the pyloric canal and any adjacent duodenal stricture by means of a longitudinal incision closed transversely. [pyloro- + G. plastos, formed]- Finney p. a long, full-thickness incision from the duodenum, through the pylorus and proximally into the gastric antrum, with a C-shaped closure to provide a wider opening between stomach and duodenum.- Heineke-Mikulicz p. p. in which a short (2–3 inch), longitudinal incision is made through the pylorus and closed transversely.- Jaboulay p. a side-to-side gastroduodenostomy, useful when the pylorus and proximal duodenum are extensively scarred or indurated by peptic ulcer disease.
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py·lo·ro·plas·ty pī-'lōr-ə-.plas-tē n, pl -ties plastic surgery on the pylorus (as to enlarge a stricture)* * *
n.a surgical operation in which the outlet of the stomach (pylorus) is widened by a form of reconstruction. It is done to allow the contents of the stomach to pass more easily into the duodenum, particularly after vagotomy to treat peptic ulcers (which would otherwise cause delay in gastric emptying).* * *
py·lo·ro·plas·ty (pi-lorґo-plas″te) [pyloro- + -plasty] incision of the pylorus and reconstruction of the channel through it, such as to relieve obstruction or accelerate gastric emptying after a vagotomy for peptic ulcers. See also pyloromyotomy and pylorotomy. pyloroplastic adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.