- pyeloureterectasis
- SYN: hydronephrosis. [pyelo- + ureter + G. ektasis, a stretching]
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py·elo·ure·ter·ec·ta·sis (pi″ə-lo-u-re″tər-ekґtə-sis) dilatation of a renal pelvis and ureter.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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py·elo·ure·ter·ec·ta·sis (pi″ə-lo-u-re″tər-ekґtə-sis) dilatation of a renal pelvis and ureter.Medical dictionary. 2011.
Hydronephrosis — Distention of the kidney with urine. Due to obstruction of urine outflow (for example, by a stone blocking the ureter, the tube going * * * Dilation of the pelvis and calices of one or both kidneys. This may result from obstruction to the flow of … Medical dictionary