- pyelography
- Radiologic study of the kidney, ureters, and usually the bladder, performed with the aid of a contrast agent injected either intravenously, or directly through a ureteral or nephrostomy catheter, or percutaneously. SYN: pelviureterography, pyeloureterography, ureteropyelography. [pyelo- + G. grapho, to write]- antegrade p. antegrade urography in which the contrast medium is injected into the renal calices or pelvis.- retrograde p. p. in which contrast material is injected into the ureters from an endoscope in the bladder.
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py·elog·ra·phy .pī-ə-'läg-rə-fē n, pl -phies radiographic visualization of the renal pelvis of a kidney after injection of a radiopaque substance through the ureter or into a vein see RETROGRADE PYELOGRAPHY* * *
n.X-ray examination of the pelvis of the kidney using radiopaque contrast material. In intravenous urography (excretion urography) the contrast medium is injected into a vein and is concentrated and excreted by the kidneys (see intravenous urogram). In retrograde pyelography, fine catheters are passed up the ureter to the kidney at cystoscopy and contrast material is injected directly into the renal pelvis to allow X-ray examination. The X-ray pictures obtained from these procedures are called pyelograms or urogram.* * *
py·elog·ra·phy (pi″ə-logґrə-fe) [pyelo- + -graphy] radiography of the renal pelvis and ureter after the structures have been filled with a contrast solution.
Medical dictionary. 2011.