
SYN: pulse. [L. a stroke, pulse]
- p. abdominalis SYN: abdominal pulse.
- p. alternans SYN: alternating pulse.
- p. anadicrotus SYN: anacrotic pulse.
- p. bigeminus SYN: bigeminal pulse.
- p. bisferiens SYN: bisferious pulse.
- p. caprisans a bounding leaping pulse, irregular in both force and rhythm.
- p. catacrotus SYN: catacrotic pulse.
- p. catadicrotus SYN: catadicrotic pulse.
- p. celer a pulse beat swift to rise and fall.
- p. celerrimus SYN: water-hammer pulse.
- p. cordis the apex beat of the heart.
- p. debilis a weak pulse.
- p. differens a condition in which the pulses in the two radial or other corresponding arteries differ in strength. SYN: p. incongruens.
- p. duplex SYN: dicrotic pulse.
- p. durus SYN: hard pulse.
- p. filiformis SYN: thready pulse.
- p. fluens SYN: undulating pulse.
- p. formicans a very small, nearly imperceptible pulse, the impression it gives to the finger being compared to formication.
- p. fortis a full strong pulse.
- p. frequens a rapid pulse.
- p. heterochronicus an arrhythmic pulse.
- p. inaequalis a pulse irregular in rhythm and force.
- p. incongruens SYN: p. differens.
- p. infrequens a slow pulse.
- p. intercidens SYN: intermittent pulse.
- p. intercurrens an occasional strong dicrotic pulse wave giving the impression of an intercurrent ventricular contraction.
- p. irregularis perpetuus permanently irregular pulse often caused by, or characteristic of, atrial fibrillation; it may also be produced by a wide variety of other chaotic rhythms.
- p. magnus a large, full pulse.
- p. mollis a soft, easily compressible pulse.
- p. monocrotus SYN: monocrotic pulse.
- p. myurus a pulse marked by a wave, the apex of which is reached suddenly and which then subsides very gradually. SYN: mousetail pulse.
- p. paradoxus (pul′sus par′a-doks-us) SYN: paradoxic pulse.
- p. parvus a pulse of small amplitude, as in aortic stenosis.
- p. parvus et tardus (pul′sus par′vus a tar′dus) small, late pulse considered typical of severe aortic stenosis.
- p. quadrigeminus SYN: quadrigeminal pulse.
- p. respiratione intermittens SYN: paradoxic pulse.
- p. tardus a pulse with pathologically gradual upstroke typical of severe aortic stenosis. SEE ALSO: plateau pulse.
- p. tremulus a feeble fluttering pulse.
- p. trigeminus SYN: trigeminal pulse.
- p. vacuus a very weak pulse hardly distending the arterial wall.
- p. venosus SYN: venous pulse.

* * *

pul·sus (pulґsəs) pl. pulґsus [L., from pellere to beat] pulse.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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