- psychosomatic
- Pertaining to the influence of the mind or higher functions of the brain ( e.g., emotions, fears, desires) upon the functions of the body, especially in relation to bodily disorders or disease. See psychophysiologic. SYN: psychophysical (2). [psycho- + G. soma, body]
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1) of, relating to, concerned with, or involving both mind and body <the \psychosomatic nature of man (Herbert Ratner)>2 a) of, relating to, involving, or concerned with bodily symptoms caused by mental or emotional disturbance <\psychosomatic illness> <\psychosomatic medicine>b) exhibiting psychosomatic symptoms <a \psychosomatic patient>* * *
adj.relating to or involving both the mind and body: usually applied to illnesses that are caused by the interaction of mental and physical factors. Certain physical illnesses, including asthma, eczema, and peptic ulcer, are thought to be in part a response to psychological and social stresses. Psychological treatments sometimes have a marked effect, but are usually much less effective than physical treatments for such illnesses.* * *
psy·cho·so·mat·ic (si″ko-so-matґik) [psycho- + somat- + -ic] pertaining to the mind-body relationship; having bodily symptoms of psychic, emotional, or mental origin; called also psychophysiologic. See also under disorder.
Medical dictionary. 2011.