pseudoparalysis — Apparent paralysis due to voluntary inhibition of motion because of pain, incoordination, or other cause, but without actual paralysis. SYN: pseudoparesis (1). arthritic general p. a … Medical dictionary
Wernicke–Korsakoff Syndrome — Wernicke and Korsakoff are two very familiar eponyms that only recently have been joined. First: Korsakoff. There is a Korsakoff syndrome, also referred to as Korsakoff psychosis, that the Russian psychiatrist Sergei S. Korsakoff (1853–1900)… … Historical dictionary of Psychiatry
ПАРАПЛЕГИЯ — (от греч. para поперечно» и plesso поражаю), паралич обеих нижних (paraplegia inferior) или обеих верхних конечностей (paraplegia superior). Сочетание верхней и нижней П. носит название квадрипле гии. В случаях, где паралич не полон, где*… … Большая медицинская энциклопедия