pseudoisochromatic plate — |sü(ˌ)dō+... noun Etymology: pseudoisochromatic from pseud + isochromatic : one of a set of colored plates that include some which appear isochromatic to individuals with color vision abnormality and that are widely used as a test for color… … Useful english dictionary
pseudoisochromatic — pseu·do·isochromatic … English syllables
pseudoisochromatic colors — colors that appear the same to an individual with defective color vision; see confusion c s … Medical dictionary
pseudoisochromatic plate — any of a series of charts containing dots of various sizes, brightnesses, and colors, with the dots arranged to form numbers, letters, or other figures that are visible to those with normal color vision but which cannot be discerned by those with … Medical dictionary
test — 1. To prove; to try a substance; to determine the chemical nature of a substance by means of reagents. 2. A method of examination, as to determine the presence or absence of a definite disease or of some substance in any of the fluids, tissues,… … Medical dictionary
Ishihara test — n a widely used test for color blindness that consists of a set of plates covered with colored dots which the test subject views in order to find a number composed of dots of one color which a person with various defects of color vision will… … Medical dictionary
anisochromatic — Not uniformly of one color. * * * an·iso·chro·mat·ic (an i″so kro matґik) [aniso + chromatic color] 1. not of the same color throughout. 2. pertaining to solutions used for testing color blindness, containing two pigments which are… … Medical dictionary
prueba pseudoisocromática de Dvorine — Eng. Dvorine s pseudoisochromatic test Ver prueba de Dvorine … Diccionario de oftalmología
prueba pseudoisocromática de Ishihara — Eng. Ishihara s pseudoisochromatic test Ver prueba de Ishihara … Diccionario de oftalmología
Ishihara plates — the pseudoisochromatic plates used in the Ishihara test … Medical dictionary