- pseudarthrosis
- A new, false joint arising at the site of an ununited fracture. SYN: false joint, pseudoarthrosis. [pseud- + G. arthrosis, a joint]
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pseud·ar·thro·sis .süd-är-'thrō-səs also pseu·do·ar·thro·sis .süd-ō- n, pl -thro·ses -'thrō-.sēz an abnormal union formed by fibrous tissue between parts of a bone that has fractured usu. spontaneously due to congenital weakness called also false joint* * *
n.a 'false' joint, formed around a displaced bone end after dislocation. Congenital hip dislocation may result in a pseudarthrosis. A pseudoarthrosis also forms when a fracture fails to unite and the bone ends are separated by fibrous tissue.* * *
pseud·ar·thro·sis (sd″ahr-throґsis) [pseud- + arthrosis] a pathologic entity characterized by deossification of a weight-bearing long bone, followed by bending and pathologic fracture, with inability to form normal callus leading to existence of the “false joint†that gives the condition its name.
Congenital pseudarthrosis of right tibia, anteroposterior view (A) and lateral view (B), showing a fracture in the anterior cortex in the distal third.
Medical dictionary. 2011.