- proteose
- primary p. the first result of hydrolysis of metaprotein; two stages, protoproteose and heteroproteose, have been distinguished.
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pro·te·ose 'prōt-ē-.ōs n any of various protein derivatives that are formed by the partial hydrolysis of proteins (as by enzymes of the gastric and pancreatic juices), that are not coagulated by heat, and that are soluble in water but are precipitated from solution by saturation with ammonium sulfate compare PEPTONE (1)* * *
n.a product of the hydrolytic decomposition of protein.* * *
pro·te·ose (proґte-ōs) [protein + -ose] a secondary protein derivative or mixture of split products formed by hydrolytic cleavage of the protein molecule that is more complete than the cleavage occurring with primary protein derivatives but less complete than the cleavage forming amino acids. The primary proteoses are precipitated by half saturation with ammonium sulfate; the secondary, by full saturation.
Medical dictionary. 2011.