protein hydrolysate

protein hydrolysate
A sterile solution of amino acid s and soft-chain peptides prepared from a suitable protein by acid or enzymatic hydrolysis; used intravenously for the maintenance of positive nitrogen balance in severe illness, and after surgery involving the alimentary tract; or used orally in the diets of infants allergic to milk or as a supplement when high protein intake from ordinary foods cannot be accomplished.

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protein hydrolysate n a mixture of amino acids obtained by the hydrolysis of various animal and plant proteins (as lactalbumin or soybean protein) and used as a source of amino acids, as a seasoning agent, and in nutrition

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a mixture of amino acids prepared by splitting a protein with acid, alkali, or enzyme. Such preparations provide the nutritive equivalent of the original material (casein, lactalbumin, fibrin, etc.) in the form of its constituent amino acids; used as a fluid and nutrient replenisher.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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