
1. To sink down, said of an organ or other part. 2. A sinking of an organ or other part, especially its appearance at a natural or artificial orifice. SEE ALSO: procidentia, ptosis. [L. prolapsus, a falling]
- p. of the corpus luteum ectropion of the corpus luteum, due to eversion of the granulosa membrane through the opening in the ruptured follicle; this occurs normally in certain animals.
- mitral valve p. excessive retrograde movement of one or both mitral valve leaflets into the left atrium during left ventricular systole, often allowing mitral regurgitation; responsible for the click-murmur of Barlow syndrome, and rarely may be due to rheumatic carditis, a connective tissue disorder such as Marfan syndrome, or ruptured chorda tendinea (“flail mitral leaflet”).
- p. of umbilical cord presentation of part of the umbilical cord ahead of the fetus; it may cause fetal death due to compression of the cord between the presenting part of the fetus and the maternal pelvis.
- p. of the uterus downward movement of the uterus due to laxity and atony of the muscular and fascial structures of the pelvic floor, usually resulting from injuries of childbirth or advanced age; p. occurs in three forms; first degree p., the cervix of the prolapsed uterus is well within the vaginal orifice; second degree p., the cervix is at or near the introitus; third degree p. (procidentia uteri), the cervix protrudes well beyond the vaginal orifice. SYN: descensus uteri, falling of the womb.
- valvular p. p. that may involve any valve or combination of valves, but usually the mitral valve. Pulmonic valve p. is extremely rare.

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pro·lapse prō-'laps, 'prō-. n the falling down or slipping of a body part from its usual position or relations <\prolapse of the uterus> <\prolapse of an intervertebral disk>
pro·lapse prō-'laps vi, pro·lapsed; pro·laps·ing to undergo prolapse

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downward displacement of an organ or tissue from its normal position, usually the result of weakening of the supporting tissues. Prolapse of the uterus and/or vagina is, in most cases, caused by stretching and/or tearing of the supporting tissues during childbirth. The cervix may be visible at the vaginal opening or the uterus and vagina may be completely outside the opening (procidentia). Treatment is by surgical shortening of the supporting ligaments and narrowing of the vagina and vaginal orifice (see colporrhaphy, colpoperineorrhaphy). In prolapse of the rectum, the rectum descends to lie outside the anus.

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pro·lapse (pro-lapsґ) [L. prolapsus; pro before + labi to fall] 1. the falling down, or sinking, of a part or viscus; called also procidentia and ptosis. 2. to undergo such displacement.

(A), Prolapse of uterus; (B), prolapse of rectum.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Prolapse — literally means To fall out of place. In medicine, prolapse is a condition where organs, such as the uterus, fall down or slip out of place. It is used for organs protruding through the vagina, rectum, or for the misalignment of the valves of the …   Wikipedia

  • prolapse — ► NOUN 1) a slipping forward or down of a part or organ of the body. 2) a prolapsed part or organ. ► VERB ▪ undergo prolapse. ORIGIN from Latin prolabi slip forward …   English terms dictionary

  • Prolapse — Pro*lapse , v. i. To fall down or out; to protrude. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Prolapse — Pro*lapse , n. [L. prolapsus, fr. prolapsus, p. p. of prolabi to fall forward; pro forward + labi to glide, fall.] (Med.) The falling down of a part through the orifice with which it is naturally connected, especially of the uterus or the rectum …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • prolapse — 1736, from L. prolaps , pp. stem of prolabi “to slip forward or down;” see PRO (Cf. pro ) + LAPSE (Cf. lapse) …   Etymology dictionary

  • prolapse — [prōlap′səs, prō′lap′səsprō laps′, prō′laps΄] n. [ModL prolapsus < LL, a falling < pp. of L prolabi, to fall forward < pro , forward + labi, to fall: see PRO 2 & LAPSE] Med. the falling or slipping out of place of an internal organ, as… …   English World dictionary

  • prolapse — n. /proh laps , proh laps/; v. /proh laps /, n., v., prolapsed, prolapsing. n. 1. Pathol. a falling down of an organ or part, as the uterus, from its normal position. v.i. 2. to fall or slip down or out of place. [1555 65; < LL prolapsus a… …   Universalium

  • prolapse — [[t]pro͟ʊlæps, AM proʊlæ̱ps[/t]] prolapses, prolapsing, prolapsed (The verb is also pronounced [[t]prəlæ̱ps[/t]].) 1) N VAR A prolapse is when one of the organs in the body moves down from its normal position. [MEDICAL] One complication which can …   English dictionary

  • prolapse — n. downward displacement of an organ or tissue from its normal position, usually the result of weakening of the supporting tissues. Prolapse of the uterus and/or vagina is, in most cases, caused by stretching and/or tearing of the supporting… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • prolapse — UK [ˈprəʊlæps] / US [proʊˈlæps] noun [countable] Word forms prolapse : singular prolapse plural prolapses medical a medical condition in which an organ in your body moves out of its usual position Derived word: prolapsed UK / US adjective …   English dictionary

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