
1. A pushing out; an outgrowth or protuberance. 2. The referring of a sensation to the object producing it. 3. A defense mechanism by which a repressed complex in the individual is denied and conceived as belonging to another person, as when faults that the person tends to commit are perceived in or attributed to others. 4. The conception by the consciousness of a mental occurrence belonging to the self as of external origin. 5. Localization of visual impressions in space. 6. In neuroanatomy, the system or systems of nerve fibers by which a group of nerve cells discharges its nerve impulses (“projects”) to one or more other cell groups. 7. The image of a three-dimensional object on a plane, as in a radiograph. 8. In radiography, standardized views of parts of the body, described by body part position, the direction of the x-ray beam through the body part, or by eponym. SYN: norma (3), salient (1), view. [L. projectio; fr. pro- jicio, pp. -jectus, to throw before]
- anteroposterior p. SYN: AP p..
- AP p. the alternative frontal radiographic p., used mainly in bedside or portable radiography. SYN: anteroposterior p..
- axial p. radiographic p. devised to obtain direct visualization of the base of the skull. SYN: axial view, base p., submental vertex p., submentovertical p., verticosubmental view.
- base p. SYN: axial p..
- Caldwell p. inclined PA radiographic p. devised to permit visualization of orbital structures unobstructed by the petrous ridges. SYN: Caldwell view.
- cross-table lateral p. lateral p. radiography of a supine subject using a horizontal x-ray beam.
- erroneous p. SYN: false p..
- false p. the faulty visual sensation arising secondarily to underaction of an ocular muscle. SYN: erroneous p..
- frog-leg lateral p. a lateral p. of the femoral neck made with the thigh maximally abducted.
- Granger p. view, reversed half-axial view; uncommonly used PA view of the skull.
- half-axial p. SYN: Towne p..
- lateral p. radiographic p. with the x-ray beam in a coronal plane.
- maximum intensity p. (MIP) a computerized image display method, used in MR angiography and helical computed tomography; a series of slices are combined with display of the brightest pixel on any slice at each location, and suppression of the background; simulates a p. angiogram.
- oblique p. any radiographic p. between frontal and lateral.
- occipitomental p. SYN: Waters p..
- PA p. the standard frontal chest film p.; radiographic skull p. with the petrous ridge superimposed on the orbits. SYN: posteroanterior p..
- posteroanterior p. SYN: PA p..
- Rhese p. oblique radiographic view of the skull to show the optic foramen.
- Stenvers p. oblique radiographic p. of the skull devised to provide an unobstructed view of the petrous bone, bony labyrinth, internal auditory canal, and meatus. SYN: Stenvers view.
- submental vertex p. SYN: axial p..
- submentovertical p. SYN: axial p..
- Towne p. reverse tilted AP radiographic p. devised to permit demonstration of the entire occipital bone, foramen magnum, and dorsum sellae, as well as the petrous ridges. SYN: half axial view, half-axial p., Towne view.
- visual p. a perceptual synthesis involving visual mechanisms.
- Waters p. a PA radiographic view of the skull made with the orbitomeatal line at an angle of 37° from the plane of the film, to show the orbits and maxillary sinuses. SYN: occipitomental p., Waters view.

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pro·jec·tion prə-'jek-shən n
1 a) the process or technique of reproducing a spatial object or a section of such an object upon a plane or curved surface
b) a diagram or figure formed by projection esp view
2 a) the act of referring a mental image constructed by the brain from bits of data collected by the sense organs to the actual source of stimulation outside the body
b) the attribution of one's own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects esp the externalization of blame, guilt, or responsibility as a defense against anxiety
3) the functional correspondence and connection of parts of the cerebral cortex with parts of the organism <the \projection of the retina upon the visual area>

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(in psychology) the attribution of one's own qualities to other people. This is one of the defence mechanism; people who cannot tolerate their own feelings (e.g. anger) may cope by imagining that other people have those feelings (e.g. are persecuting).

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pro·jec·tion (pro-jekґshən) [pro- + L. jacēre to throw] 1. a throwing forward, especially the act of referring impressions made on the sense organs to their proper source, so as to locate correctly the objects producing them. 2. the connection between the cerebral cortex and other parts of the nervous system or organs of special sense. 3. the act of extending or jutting out, or a part that juts out. 4. in psychiatry, an unconscious defense mechanism in which a person attributes to someone else unacknowledged ideas, thoughts, feelings, and impulses felt to be undesirable or unacceptable in himself or herself. 5. the orientation of a radiographic machine in relation to the body or a body part; called also view.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • projection — [ prɔʒɛksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1314; lat. projectio, de projectus, p. p. de projicere 1 ♦ Action de jeter, de lancer en avant (⇒ 1. jet; projeter, I ). Projection de liquide, de vapeur. Lancement, jet (de projectiles). Projection de pierres, d obus.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Projection — Pro*jec tion, n. [L. projectio: cf. F. projection.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of throwing or shooting forward. [1913 Webster] 2. A jutting out; also, a part jutting out, as of a building; an extension beyond something else. [1913 Webster] 3. The… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • projection — Pro*jec tion, n. [L. projectio: cf. F. projection.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of throwing or shooting forward. [1913 Webster] 2. A jutting out; also, a part jutting out, as of a building; an extension beyond something else. [1913 Webster] 3. The… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • projection — [prō jek′shən, prəjek′shən] n. [MFr < L projectio] 1. a projecting or being projected 2. something that projects, or juts out 3. something that is projected; specif., in map making, the representation on a plane of the earth s surface (or the… …   English World dictionary

  • projection — 1550s, originally cartographical, drawing of a map or chart according to scale, from M.Fr. projection, from L. projectionem (nom. projectio), from projicere (see PROJECT (Cf. project) (n.)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • projection — [n1] bulge, overhang bump, bunch, eaves, extension, hook, jut, knob, ledge, outthrust, point, prolongation, prominence, protrusion, protuberance, ridge, rim, shelf, sill, spine, spur, step, swelling; concepts 471,509,513 Ant. depression… …   New thesaurus

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  • Projection — (v. lat.), 1) der Wurf, das Werfen; 2) die Abbildung eines Gegenstandes auf einer ebenen od. krummen Fläche durch gerade Linien, welche sich entweder parallel sind, od. nach einem gegebenen Punkte zusammenlaufen. Wenn auf zwei einander… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • projection TV — n. a system made up of lenses, mirrors, and a cathode ray tube, for projecting video images onto a large screen * * * …   Universalium

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