
The word "hybrid" has a number of different biomedical meanings. In transmission genetics, a hybrid is the result of a cross between two genetically dissimilar parents. The offspring of unlike parents. If the parents are sufficiently dissimilar, the hybrid may be sterile (for example, in the crossing of horse and donkey to produce a mule). In cell genetics, a hybrid cell is one that contains components from one or more genomes (other than zygotes and their derivatives). Hybrid cells may be formed by several techniques including cell fusion, the fusion of two or more cells. In molecular genetics, a hybrid DNA molecule is a DNA molecule with strands of different origin.
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1. An individual (plant or animal) whose parents are different varieties of the same species or belong to different but closely allied species. 2. Fused tissue culture cells, as in a hybridoma. 3. A bond or valence orbital obtained by the linear combination of two or more different atomic orbitals. SYN: crossbreed (1). [L. hybrida, offspring of a tame sow and a wild boar, fr. G. hybris, violation, wantonness]
- DNA-RNA h. double-stranded polynucleic acids in which one strand is DNA and the other strand is the complementary RNA; formed during transcription and during multiplication of oncogenic RNA viruses.
- SV40-adenovirus h. a virion consisting of SV40 genetic material encased in an adenovirus capsid.

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hy·brid '-brəd n
1) an offspring of two animals or plants of different races, breeds, varieties, species, or genera
2) something heterogeneous in origin or composition <artificial \hybrids of DNA and RNA> <somatic cell \hybrids of mouse and human cells>
hybrid adj
hy·brid·ism -brə-.diz-əm n
hy·brid·i·ty -'brid-ət-ē n, pl -ties

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the offspring of a cross between two genetically unlike individuals. A hybrid, whose parents are usually of different species or varieties, is often sterile.

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hy·brid (hiґbrid) [L. hybrida mongrel] 1. an offspring produced by genetically different parents, particularly those of different species. 2. something of mixed origin or composition.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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