- probenecid
- A competitive inhibitor of the secretion of penicillin or p-aminohippurate by kidney tubules; a uricosuric agent used in chronic gouty arthritis.
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pro·ben·e·cid prō-'ben-ə-səd n a drug C13H19NO4S that acts on renal tubular function and is used to increase the concentration of some drugs (as penicillin) in the blood by inhibiting their excretion and to increase the excretion of urates in gout* * *
n.a drug that reduces the level of uric acid in the blood (see uricosuric drug) and is used chiefly in the treatment of gout. It is administered by mouth; mild side-effects, such as digestive upsets, dizziness, and skin rashes, may occur. Trade name: Benemid.* * *
pro·ben·e·cid (pro-benґə-sid) [USP] a uricosuric agent that acts by inhibiting the carrier-mediated transport of organic acids in the renal tubule, which increases the excretion of uric acid by blocking its tubular reabsorption and decreases the excretion of penicillins and certain other acidic drugs by blocking their tubular secretion; used in the treatment of hyperuricemia of gout and as an adjunct in antibiotic therapy.
Medical dictionary. 2011.