- preexcitation
- Premature activation of part of the ventricular myocardium by an impulse that travels by an anomalous path and so avoids physiologic delay in the atrioventricular junction; an intrinsic part of the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.- ventricular p. See Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.
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pre·ex·ci·ta·tion -.ek-.sī-'tā-shən, -.ek-sə- n premature activation of part or all of the cardiac ventricle by an electrical impulse from the atrium that typically is conducted along an anomalous pathway (as muscle fibers on the heart surface) bypassing the atrioventricular node, that may produce arrhythmias, and that is characteristic of LGL syndrome and Wolff-Parkinson-White syndromepre·ex·cit·ed -ik-'sīt-əd adj* * *
pre·ex·ci·ta·tion (pre-ek″si-taґshən) premature activation of a portion of the ventricles due to transmission of cardiac impulses along an accessory pathway not subject to the physiologic delay of the atrioventricular node. See also preexcitation syndrome, under syndrome. The term is sometimes used as a synonym for Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. Called also ventricular pacemaker
Medical dictionary. 2011.