- posteroclusion
- SYN: posterior occlusion.
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pos·tero·clu·sion (pos″tər-o-klooґzhən) distoclusion.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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pos·tero·clu·sion (pos″tər-o-klooґzhən) distoclusion.Medical dictionary. 2011.
distoclusion — A malocclusion in which the mandibular arch articulates with the maxillary arch in a position distal to normal; in Angle classification, a Class II malocclusion. SYN … Medical dictionary
occlusion — 1. The act of closing or the state of being closed. 2. In chemistry, the absorption of a gas by a metal or the inclusion of one substance within another (as in a gelatinous precipitate). 3. Any contact between the incising or masticating surfaces … Medical dictionary