- pore
- 1. An opening, hole, perforation, or foramen. A p., meatus, or foramen. SEE ALSO: opening. 2. SYN: sweat p.. SEE ALSO: opening, meatus, foramen. [G. poros, passageway]- alveolar pores openings in the interalveolar septa of the lung that permit air flow between adjacent alveoli.- dilated p. an enlarged follicular opening of the skin, with a keratinous plug and occasional lanugo or mature hair.- external acoustic p., external auditory p. [TA] the orifice of the external acoustic meatus in the tympanic portion of the temporal bone. SYN: porus acusticus externus [TA], external acoustic aperture, external acoustic foramen, external auditory foramen, opening of external acoustic meatus, orifice of external acoustic meatus.- internal acoustic p., auditory p. the inner opening of the internal acoustic meatus on the posterior surface of the petrous part of the temporal bone. SYN: internal acoustic opening [TA], internal acoustic foramen, internal auditory foramen, opening of internal acoustic meatus, orifice of internal acoustic meatus, porus acusticus internus.- Kohn pores SYN: interalveolar pores.- nuclear p. an octagonal opening, about 70 nm across, where the inner and outer membranes of the nuclear envelope are continuous.- slit pores the intercellular clefts between the interdigitating pedicels of podocytes; they are part of the filtration barrier of renal corpuscles. SYN: filtration slits.- sweat p. [TA] the surface opening of the duct of a sweat gland. SYN: p. (2) [TA], porus sudoriferus, porus, skin p..- taste p. [TA] the minute opening of a taste bud on the surface of the oral mucosa through which the gustatory hairs of the specialized neuroepithelial gustatory cells project. SYN: porus gustatorius [TA], gustatory p..
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pore 'pō(ə)r, 'pȯ(ə)r n a minute opening esp. in an animal or plant esp one by which matter passes through a membrane* * *
n.a small opening; for example, sweat pores are the openings of the sweat glands on the surface of the skin.* * *
(por) [L. porus, q.v.] porus; a small opening. poral adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.