
SYN: dyshidrosis. [G. a bubble, fr. pomphos, a blister]

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pom·pho·lyx 'päm(p)--.liks n a skin disease marked by an eruption of vesicles esp. on the palms and soles

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eczema of the hands (see also cheiropompholyx) and feet (podopompholyx). Because the horny layer of the skin in these parts is so thick the vesicles typical of eczema cannot rupture; they therefore persist in the skin, looking like sago grains. There is intense itching until the skin eventually peels. There may be secondary infection due to scratching. Pompholyx is commonest in early adulthood and attacks occur suddenly, lasting some weeks. The disease may be recurrent or persist as a chronic condition.

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pom·pho·lyx (pomґfo-liks) [Gr. âœbubbleâ] recurrent eczema with blistering on the palms and soles, particularly along the sides and between the digits, accompanied by pruritus, a burning sensation, and hyperhidrosis. The etiology is unknown, but in some cases it may be an allergic reaction; attacks are self-limited and usually last two to three weeks. Called also dyshidrotic eczema.


Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • pompholyx — n. eczema of the hands (see also cheiropompholyx) and feet (podopompholyx). Because the horny layer of the skin in these parts is so thick the vesicles typical of eczema cannot rupture; they therefore persist in the skin, looking like sago grains …   The new mediacal dictionary

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