- polyposis
- familial adenomatous p. (FAP) [MIM*175100] p. that usually begins in childhood; polyps increase in number, causing symptoms of chronic colitis; pigmented retinal lesions are frequently found; carcinoma of the colon almost invariably develops in untreated cases; autosomal dominant inheritance, caused by mutation in the adenomatous p. coli gene (APC) on 5q. In Gardner syndrome, which is allelic to FAP, there are extracolonic changes (desmoid tumors, osteomas, jaw cysts). SYN: adenomatous p. coli, familial p. coli, multiple intestinal p. (1).- lymphomatoid p. multifocal mantle cell lymphoma, producing numerous lymphoid polyps in the intestines.- multiple intestinal p. [MIM*175100] 1. SYN: familial adenomatous p.. 2. hamartomatous p. of the small or large intestine, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome [MIM*175200] with melanin spots on the lips, less common.
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pol·yp·o·sis .päl-i-'pō-səs n, pl -o·ses -.sēz a condition characterized by the presence of numerous polyps <\polyposis of the colon> see FAMILIAL ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS* * *
n.a condition in which numerous polyp form in an organ or tissue. Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a hereditary disease (caused by a defective dominant gene) in which multiple adenoma develop in the intestine, usually the large bowel or rectum, at an early age. As these polyps invariably become malignant, patients are usually advised to undergo total removal of the affected bowel. See also Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. Compare pseudopolyposis.* * *
pol·yp·osis (pol″ĭ-poґsis) the development of multiple polyps on a part.
Medical dictionary. 2011.