- Homologous
- The relationship between two chromosomes that are paired and so are homologs of each other.
* * *Corresponding or alike in certain critical attributes. 1. In biology or zoology, denoting organs or parts corresponding in evolutionary origin and similar to some extent in structure, but not necessarily similar in function. 2. In chemistry, denoting a single chemical series, differing by fixed increments. 3. In genetics, denoting chromosomes or chromosome parts identical with respect to their construction and genetic content. 4. In immunology, denoting serum or tissue derived from members of a single species, or an antibody with respect to the antigen that produced it. 5. Proteins having identical or similar functions (particularly with respect to proteins from different species). [see homolog]
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ho·mol·o·gous hō-'mäl-ə-gəs, hə- adj1 a) having the same relative position, value, or structure: as (1) exhibiting biological homology (2) having the same or allelic genes with genetic loci usu. arranged in the same order <\homologous chromosomes>b) belonging to or consisting of a chemical series whose members exhibit homology2 a) derived from or involving organisms of the same species <\homologous tissue grafts> compare AUTOLOGOUS, HETEROLOGOUS (1)b) relating to or being immunity or a serum produced by or containing a specific antibody corresponding to a specific antigenho·mol·o·gous·ly -lē adv* * *
adj.1. (in anatomy) describing organs or parts that have the same basic structure and evolutionary origin, but not necessarily the same function or superficial structure. Compare analogous.2. (in genetics) describing a pair of chromosomes of similar shape and size and having identical gene loci. One member of the pair is derived from the mother; the other from the father.* * *
ho·mol·o·gous (ho-molґə-gəs) [Gr. homologos agreeing, correspondent] 1. corresponding in structure, position, origin, etc., as (a) the feathers of a bird and the scales of a fish, (b) antigen and its specific antibody, (c) allelic chromosomes. Cf. analogous. 2. allogeneic. 3. pertaining to an antibody and the antigen that elicited its production.
Medical dictionary. 2011.