
Construction of a substitute thumb. [L. pollex, thumb, + -ize, to make like, + -ation, state]

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pol·li·ci·za·tion .päl-ə-sə-'zā-shən n the reconstruction or replacement of the thumb esp. from part of the index finger

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pol·lic·i·za·tion (pol″is-ĭ-zaґshən) [L. pollex thumb] the replacement or rehabilitation of a thumb, especially surgical construction of a thumb from the index finger or great toe.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Pollicization — is a plastic surgery technique in which a thumb is created from an existing finger. Typically this consists of surgically migrating the index finger to the position of the thumb in patients who are either born without a functional thumb (most… …   Wikipedia

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