
Abnormal accumulation of gas in any tissue or part of the body. [G. a blowing out]
- p. coli a usually benign condition in which gas is seen radiographically in the wall of the colon; sometimes associated with obstructive lung disease.
- p. cystoides intestinalis a condition of unknown cause characterized by the occurrence of gas cysts in the intestinal mucous membrane; may produce intestinal obstruction. SYN: intestinal emphysema.

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pneu·ma·to·sis .n(y)ü-mə-'tō-səs n, pl -to·ses -.sēz the presence of air or gas in abnormal places in the body

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the occurrence of gas cysts in abnormal sites in the body. Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis is the occurrence of multiple gas cysts in the wall of the lower intestines. Its cause is unknown; it can be treated by hyperbaric oxygenation.

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pneu·ma·to·sis (noo″mə-toґsis) [Gr. pneumatōsis] the presence of air or gas in an abnormal situation in the body.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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